Community Relations Team
Mission: Engage La Follette High School, its staff, students and supporters with the broader Madison community, through targeted strategic communications, community contacts and events, and other means of impactful information-sharing
The Community Relations Team will accomplish its mission by:
Helping faculty streamline communication channels with primary constituencies
Enhancing the media outreach skills of key faculty and staff;
Working with faculty, students, and staff to gather newsworthy information;
Facilitating effective communication strategies to inform the public of such information;
Coordinating with other Board of Visitor Teams to promote specific fundraising and outreach initiatives;
Developing a strategic, but simple and flexible, internal Board of Visitors communication strategy.
Team Members: Nan Brien (Director & Team Co-Lead), Sally Jackson (Director), Terrence Jackson (Director), Anne Marie Malecha (Director & Team Co-Lead), Mark Redsten (Director)